Sunday, March 14, 2010

So Long, Spring Break

Tomorrow morning marks the official end of Spring Break. It was a well spent Spring Break and I am okay with heading back, that means I am that much closer to summer break. :) To start off this post I thought I would give a quick run down of the weekend festivities.

Friday: I headed to work with Kyle. I had to do some homework for an assessment class and I needed a child to work with. :) So, he hooked me up and I was able to complete it in about a half an hour. It was kind of fun being able to drive together, even if I was dead tired after my sleep in routine. He only worked a half a day and we headed back to pack and then jumped in the car and programmed the GPS for Grand Rapids.
We went to visit my brother and sister-in-law. They made reservations for a "dress-code required" restaurant. Which was definitely a first for me. Let's just the experience was lots of fun, but the food was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! If you are ever in the downtown GR area and are looking for a great steak house check out Louis Benton. DELICIOUS!!
After we stuffed ourselves and the valet brought us our car (another first experience) Brent showed us around town a little and where his school is.
After some time to allow our dinner to settle we ventured over to Coldstone and inhaled some ever so tasty ice cream.
Needless to say we were STUFFED!!! But it was totally worth it.
The night was finished off with some Mario Kart and Wii Sports Resort.
P.S. I am not good at virtual frisbee golf, in case you wondered. Three holes was almost the death of me.

Saturday: After a little bit of sleeping in we ventured out on the road again, can't wait to get on the road again... sorry, got caught up in a little tune there. :) this time we were headed East to D-town. Detroit that is. It was Papa T's birthday and Kristi had fun surprises planned out for all of us to partake in. First on the list was Rhapsody. This was a Hungarian restaurant in honor of the Talicska's. Which means little wheelbarrow in Hungarian. I was a little nervous heading into this venture because I grew up very sheltered when it comes to cuisine. My taste buds were pleasantly surprised. It was DELICIOUS!
After stuffing ourselves yet again we headed back to Kristi and Joe's for some yummy ice cream cake, homemade by Chef Joe. :) Yet again, simply DELICIOUS!!
After a short nap and some Super Mario Bros Wii we headed out yet again on a little adventure. This time the destination was in Royal Oak and was The Comedy Castle. HILARIOUS! There's nothing like a stomach ache from laughing.
The end of the show meant more driving as we headed home to our own beds.

It was a great weekend and tons of fun, but lots of driving. The weekend was finished with church this morning and lots of homework all afternoon. :) You would have never known that I had all week to work on it. :)

Moment of the day:
Louisville, KY was mentioned in three completely different situations today. It was quite ironic and made me smile. Once in church during the sermon... weird, I know. Then on tv and then later during one of our favorite shows Undercover Boss. The location this time was Churchill Downs. Kyle and I both looked at each other and simply smiled. This could be interpreted two ways; pure coincidence or a sign. For now, I will stick with pure coincidence, but lots of prayers and God might tell us differently. It was still a God moment, because it sent me right back into that state of "care-free, little girl again, dreaming," which is always a warm and fuzzy feeling. :)

After a whirlwind of a weekend and a great spring break I am headed to bed and setting the alarm for the first time in a long time. So long, sun alarm, so long, spring break. You will be greatly missed. See you on April 26th. :)

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