Saturday, March 6, 2010

Riesen's to Praise

In the few short days of this journey I have really enjoyed looking for moments; moments that make me smile, make me giggle, make me think or make me downright laugh out loud. I find that these moments happen more often than I had let myself believe. Today consisted of many little moments that I feel are blog worthy. Each comes with its own story, so lets begin this journey together today and look at some of my little moments.

Day 2: As the clock rolled 1:00am this morning my awesome husband and I pulled into our driveway with heavy eyelids and feeling slightly cranky which was lack o' sleep induced. We were returning home after a whirlwind 4 hour round trip to watch a friend in her high school performance of Footloose. Throughout the entire production I couldn't help but remember the good ol' days, the days when I was the one that stood in the spotlight after all the lines were memorized, the scenes were blocked and the curtains were drawn. Drama Club was one of my high school passions and something that I absolutely loved being a part of a production in which I could be someone else for two hours and explore a new world inside of me. Dress rehearsal week was always the worst. The show never seemed to come together until the last minute and each time our director would give her usual "I'm going to pull this show" speech. Each time we would pull it off and each night we would have a packed house. I loved the feeling as I stood behind the closed curtain going completely blank on my first line and just as the curtains were drawn and the heat of the lights heat my face the words bolted out of me like nothing had ever done before. Oh, Drama Club, I miss you. It was a great trip down memory lane.

Day 2: Moment 2: Hubby and I are turtle sitting this week. Yes, you read that correctly turtle sitting. One of our friends is going on a Missions Trip this week for her Spring Break and asked if we would keep her turtle alive while she was gone. Of course, I agreed, how hard can it be to watch a turtle, right? She stopped by today to set up his tank and his heat lamp and just as I had expected watching a turtle is going to be a piece of cake. However, this moment tickled my funny. As our friend backed out of our driveway I watched as the turtle hid his head in his shell as if to say, "I do not like you." I caught myself saying right out loud, "Well, you are a cranky turtle, aren't you?" Did I really just talk to a turtle? This made me laugh right out loud. Turtle Sitting... should I put an ad in the paper? Experienced Turtle Sitting willing to help you. :) :) :)

Day 2: Moment 3: Tonight was finished with a moment of all moments. Rocking my sweet, sweet little God-daughter to sleep tonight, was the joy of my day and the moment that tops all others. She just recently turned one and is a complete bundle of joy. Her little personality is budding and her giggles can make any day better. She is a precious gift from God and I am so blessed to have her and her amazing family as a part of my life.

Today was filled with many wonderful moments that helped me to put my life into perspective, that helped me to thank God for all of my blessings and that helped me realize just how blessed I really am. Yesterday my hubby gave me some Reisen's (I love those amazing pieces of candy and love the memories of going to my grandmas house that they bring). While eating the Reisen's I smiled and told him that todays post must be titled exactly that: Reisen's.... Reisen's to Praise. Today was definitely filled with many Reisen's to praise.

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