Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kentucky Dreamin'

Today was very uneventful and unfortunately very unproductive. But this evening has been filled with dreaming, wishing, wondering and more dreaming.

Kyle went to a job fair today and brought home some interesting information. There were some MI schools there and there were a couple that seemed "kind of promising" (in his words); Kalamazoo Public, Carman-Ainsworth and a few others. However, tonight has been filled with Kentucky Dreamin'! Go ahead make your hicks from the sticks jokes, I know we have all thought about it before. :) Before you judge just take a few minutes to check this out. One of the school districts around Louisville is looking to hire 500 teachers.... that's right, 5-0-0. Who knows, my hubby might be 1 of those 500.

We spent about an hour tonight just researching and dreaming about what life would be like in another area, another state, another weather pattern (apparently a long spring and fall and really, really hot July and August) and another dialect. :) We dreamed about houses, jobs, activities and life in general.

Don't get me wrong, if there is a job in MI for Kyle we will be staying in the good 'ol mitten. But if that is not the path that God has for us, KY looks like a great opportunity. Just the thought of something completely new is kind of exhilarating, kind of thrilling and of course, a tad bit scary.

Negative #1: 6 hours from both sets of parents (5 from 2 sets of siblings and HOURS away from the other set)
Negative #2: No one there that we know
Negative #3: Starting completely anew- new house, new church, new friends, new set of directions, new grocery store (I am starting to learn where things are :))
Negative #4: 4 months of a long distance marriage

That's right, friends you read that correctly.... I would have to stay in the mitten and finish up my student teaching. August-December. I am not saying it would be easy, but if it meant my hubby had a job that he enjoyed, it would be totally worth it. After all 6 hours isn't forever away. :)

Definitely something to think about.

If you hadn't noticed my "moment" today was my time spent dreaming. Dreaming about all of the possibilities that God just might have in store for us. I like to dream.

Disclaimer: This is definitely just thoughts, there would be a lot of praying, thinking and planning involved in a move like this. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?
Mom, don't freak out just yet. :)

1 comment:

  1. Jilly! I just found out you had a blog! YAY! I love it! And I'm saying you should move to CT!!!!!!! :) Come live with us :)
