Monday, March 15, 2010


Hello there, friends. This post will be rather short and to the point, no fluff tonight. This is due to lack of sleep, a 5:45 am alarm and a lesson to prep for that I am teaching to 3 year olds tomorrow and being observed for class.

Being back in the swing of things today was not all that bad. I was actually released from all three classes today in record time. (an hour to an hour and a half early in each one) This allowed me to enjoy God's little blessing for me in a greater capacity. Today's blessing was the sunshine and the warmth. If the sun can't brighten your day (no pun intended) then I don't know what can. With a little extra time between classes and a friend not being home, I simply sat in my car for over and hour, basking in the sun and reading some new children's books purchases. If you don't understand the children's books simply refer back to here.

Monday's are always whirlwind days for me, but that hour gave me some time to breathe and take in the fresh air and soak up the sun's rays. Ahhh.... one of the best feelings ever. This time could have been used to catch up on some homework on in a more productive manner, but ironically I did not have any extra homework with me, coincidence? I think not, God's planning! He knew I would need to ease back into the swing of things. What a great day of easing it was!

I am off to prep for this lesson. How bad can 3 year olds be, right? Unfortunately, it is not them that I am worried about, but instead the lady in the back of the room with cramped legs as she tries to fit in a 3 year old seat, taking notes after notes on every single, stinkin' word I say; good or bad. Oh well, that's life! I'm learning that there is always someone watching. :)

Good night, blogosphere. Until we meet again... aka.. tomorrow! :)

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