Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cook Out in March

Today was a very productive day for me. I was up before my alarm (not the sun though :) ). I set right in on tackling our messy house. From one room to the next it was almost as if I had a magic wand and with a bibbity, boppity, boo it was CLEAN! and smelling fresh! Ahhh!!! Nothing better than a fresh smelling house. I can't wait until the windows can be wide open and I can air out my house. It's amazing how a clean and fresh smelling house can brighten a mood and an entire day.

Yesterday I purchased some yellow and white daisies for myself. That's right, for myself. I love daisies and wanted something to Spring-a-fy my dining room table. I put down a spring place mat, placed a rectangle mirror on top and plopped the vase of blooms right in the middle. Wahlah! Spring-a-fied! This was a major great-day booster today. Each time I caught a glimpse of those bright daisies smiling back at me I smiled.

We said good-bye to our turtle friend today. It was actually kind of sad. We grew kind of fond of him. But it was a great time to catch up with a friend. She recently returned from her mission trip and had lots to share. It was a blessing hearing how God worked in her and her group during this trip.

The evening ended with a smashing dinner party for 7. Complete with Chicken on the grill, corn, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, fruit salad and was finished off with a scrumptious peanut butter chocolate chip bar with cookies and cream ice cream. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but this dinner party was planned to the tee and was a smashing success. What a fun night catching up with friends. We played a hilarious game of What's Yours Like?and simply enjoyed each others company. Am I old? I had a dinner party. :) Oh well, if this is part of getting old, bring it on.

Blessing after blessing today.

Oh, I almost forgot. I made a wonderful purchase today at the local dollar store. Eight blue glass dessert plates with white daisies on them for $8.00! That's right, friends, $1.00 a piece. I love great deals and spring and daisies.

Great day today! Blessings galore and lots of love.

Enjoy the weekend! I will probably be taking a break from blogging until Sunday! Good night, world!

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