Friday, March 5, 2010

New Year's Resolution

New Year's resolutions are not really my thing. I watch each year as friends, family and strangers proclaim unattainable goals for the next year and watch as they are quickly broken and then forgotten. I never understood the point, why shouldn't we try to better ourselves at all times, instead the first month of each new year (if they last that long). As I sat home today, on another Friday without classes, my mind would not allow me to zone out and watch hours upon hours of old favorites on TBS. Saved by the Bell, Just Shoot Me, Home Improvement, Yes, Dear and so on...

No, not today, today it decided it was time to ponder life, to dwell in every drawer that had been filed away and put to rest...or so I thought. As I lounge in yoga pants and mismatched tank top, on my fading hand-me-down couch (I love free things) my mind takes me on a journey. A journey around my world: to Morley, to Saginaw, to Bay City, to Bridgeport, to Grand Haven, to Italy, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and back again.

Why these places you may ask? Good question. My best guess would be that I have a connection in some way to these places. Some great and some small, but none the less there is a connection. As my mind forced me to open the drawers one by one, I started to realize my lesson for today. A lesson that had been a long time coming, one that should have been realized and learned long ago, one that if realized; much of the hurt I have experienced would not have taken place.

Pausing to gaze out the front window of my cute, little rented home, the lesson finally sinks in. Across the street I watch as a brown squirrel playfully scampers across the glittering snow that is slowly melting under the warm, golden sun to reveal brown blades of grass that are gently turning green. Sitting here today, pre-shower and mismatched, I realize that my lesson for today is...............(insert drum roll here)

Little Moments!
I know you are probably thinking, Little Moments? That is what I just wasted my time reading about. Hear me out. Each day is filled with plans, routines, and stress. If you are anything like me, we schedule our lives to the minute and find interruptions to our plans annoying. How often has an "interruption" caused you to jump to anger (road rage anyone?) or utter negative comments under your breath (expletives, anyone?). Often, this is our reaction to those moments that change our scheduled-to-the-tee-lives.

Today I vow to try something new. I vow to be thankful for these little moments. I vow to record these little moments and reflect on them. I vow to acknowledge the One who sent these little moments my way to simply brighten my day. God is so much more than my Lord and Saviour, but also my Little-Moments-Provider. I have let these moments pass without much thought for too many years and it is time for a change.

Like I said, New Year's Resolutions are not my friend, today I begin my daily resolution. Today, I resolve to look for the Little Moments.

Day 1: The golden sun was my alarm this morning. I opened my eyes to find a golden hue filling my room and a beautiful day awaiting me outside my blinds.

Today's drawer will remain open and each moment will be cherished.

(This blog inspired by an amazing, red-headed friend of mine. Thank, J!)

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