Monday, March 8, 2010

Sneaky, Sneaky

Today was another one of those GORGEOUS days outside. Waking up to my favorite alarm clock, the sun, this morning was again great, however, climbing out of bed was not as nice. A pounding headache seemed to linger with me through most of the day. The worst part was that this said headache was made worse by light. Which meant shutting the curtains and shutting out the gorgeous day outside. Sad moment. :(

Next I spent countless hours in front of my laptop searching for ideas to write my lesson on that is due tomorrow to my professor. No luck! :( Yet another sad moment. I think I finally have an idea, so that will be my day tomorrow.

My day finally got better when my cellular device started ringing and hubby was on his way home. YAY! He was starving so I pulled out some dinner and 7 minutes later... VIOLA! It was finished. And mmmhmmm.. it was scrumptious. You may be wondering what this awesome dinner was that tasted awesome and was so extremely quick to prepare, Viola! (that is the name of the product :) ) This certain kind was Three Cheese Chicken. Oh, so good!

The dishes were left right on the table and the bike tires were promptly pumped up. Off we went on a little bike adventure. When I say little, I definitely mean little. Why in the world do bike seats have to be so stinkin' hard? I honestly didn't think I was going to make it the short 2 miles that we rode. OUCH!!!! I think I might have bruises. It was still fun and refreshing. The sun was filling up my sun-tank and I was loving the fresh scent of Spring in the air. (I know it probably isn't going to last, but please don't ruin my fun)

The evening was finished off with a whirlwind trip to the library, and what a gorgeous library it was. Let me take a moment to share my love for books, children's books with you. If I had a million dollars I would create my very own children's library complete with floor to ceiling shelves of books, cute, comfy seating, dim (but bright enough to read) lighting and the smell of books spritzed through the air every few minutes. I know you know the smell that I am talking about. Mmmmhmmm.... I can almost smell it now, well, maybe I really can. (A pile of Children's books is sitting next to me). This love came to life as I grabbed books off of the shelves to add to my pile "for my lesson" (just to read). Tomorrow is going to be a fun day. :)

Another great day overall, even though it might not have started that way. The sun, quick, yummy dinners, bike rides and children's books can really make this chicky happy. :)

Good night, Blogosphere, my bed will be a great end to this wonderful day. (story for another day; my love for my mattress)

PS: I learned today that I have some secret readers (hence the title of this post). After some thought I realized that I was a little flattered, however, if any of you secret readers would like to identify yourselves feel free to comment or become a follower. :) I know you are out there.

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