Friday, March 19, 2010

Bottoms Up!

The topic of this blog is from a while ago, but I was reminded about it yesterday on my way home from roller blading with a friend on campus. The warm weather brings out many things; yellowed grass poking through the snow, little flowers peeping from the ground, birds migrating back to MI, construction (which is a rant for another time), beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the smell of grilling in the air (YUM!), butts in the air, and lots of people enjoying the outdoors.

You read that correctly I said butts in the air. Let me explain. Due to the lovely construction on my normal route, I have been venturing out a back way to mi casa. This has actually been a blessing because it is old country roads and brings back memories of home. However, I have seen more butts then I can count. Does anyone remember these?

I have not had the privelege of seeing one of these in a while, butt instead I have had the privelege of seeing way too many of these.

On the way home from GR last weekend, Kyle and I spotted about six of those in about two minutes. We were laughing so hard. I'm not really sure why this is so amusing to me, but it definitely tickled my fancy and made me laugh. Since then I continue to add to that tally. I have simply decided that this is a new indicator of Spring. Watch out for your bottom's up spotting. :)

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