Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lacking Purpose

This week is going to be VERY long. I can already tell, yes, I realize it is only Tuesday. Please, don't remind me. This week is making me take back all of those times that I wished I had nothing to do and that my busy life would slow down. I take it all back and wish I could go back to at least half of the fast paced life.

This week I am working on campus for Counseling and Disability Services. This would normally be great. I enjoy the people I work with, I am getting paid for 40 hours a week (during the school year I only got 10...basically rolling in the dough after this week) However, this is the week that happens to fall between Winter semester and Spring semester which means SVSU is basically a ghost town. I honestly think I saw a tumbleweed roll down the hallway a few minutes ago. The only reason I would know is because I have all the time in the world to sit and stare out of the office window into the hall.

Last year at this exact time I used each spare minute for wedding prep... this year there is nothing to prep for. No babies... which apparently is the only next step in life. :)

Instead I sit here each day waiting for the little bell to ring to let me know that there is someone that is alive and breathing that needs my help. I am so willing to help right now it isn't even funny. To make it even better, each and every staff member (besides me) is out at LUNCH! Not me, nope I am still sitting and staring.

I thought I would take a few minutes to type.... nothing exciting, nothing witty or grand.... simply type without purpose. :)

However, I do have some purpose for you. :) Check out the following blog for a great giveaway (it just so happens to be one of the best blogs EVER... written by my beautiful Sister in law) Check it out here! Also check out this website for the info on the giveaway loot.

Hope that gives you a little purpose today... and again I say, NO, I am not pregnant. The giveaways would simply make a great present and possibly something to hold on to for future use

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