Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I remember quoting a little rhyme as a child on each day that the sky was filled with gray clouds and droplets of wet junk would fall from the sky. I hadn't a word of this rhyme for a few years since I have come to enjoy these rainy days. They have turned into great cuddle/movie viewing days. However, on Friday my thoughts changed a little.

My alarm went off at the dumb time of 6:00 am and indstead of rolling over and hitting snooze a couple of times I was wide awake and jumped out of bed. I left my groggy husband in bed and hit the shower. I think I like this showering first thing the water is always HOT! (sorry, Kyle)

After my HOT shower I made my way to my personal beauty salon. (aka the guest room where I have a floor length mirror to apply my makeup and do my dair) The primping lasted a little longer than normal today because today I had to look REALLY good. :)

I finished my primping routine almost an hour before I had to leave for work and spent some time online before I headed out the door. I made it into work and into about a half an hour of my day when I looked out the window and saw it..... the trees were swaying, the sky was dark and the puddles were forming before my eyes. UGH! I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TODAY AND DID NOT BRING MY UMBRELLA!!!

Normally, those few minutes on my computer before I leave for work is used to check the weather, but no, not today. I also, do not care what my hair looks like, but yes, yes today!

Luckily, my co-worker had an umbrella that I could borrow, but on the way to the interview I realized something.

I smiled knowing that God was showing me that it did not matter what I looked like on the outside, but instead what was on the inside was what really mattered. :)

PS. I got the job! Thanks, God.

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