Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Times are a'changing

I've noticed that this blog has turned into something other than its original intention. I have been thinking about this and decided that I am okay with that. I enjoy writing and have always been one to keep a journal. However, I find that finding time to journal is not as easy as it used to be, but I spend a lot of my day in front of the computer at work. I do not consider myself a good writer by no means, but I enjoy it and that is all that matters.

Motivation is something that has been lacking lately in my life. I started working out and then my birthday hit.. which of course through everything off. Then I started convincing myself that I should simply be okay with my new weight. But I know that I am not okay with it and will be even less okay with it when swimsuit season hits. I want to put my honeymoon bikinis back on this year. I am not enjoying any of my work out dvds at the moment and simply want to be outside, however I am a little paranoid. You see I would love to venture out and go rollerblading, go for a walk or even a run, however I am afraid to go by myself. This is the one time that I really need a dog.

I know that being outside will help with my motivation, but I am lacking a partner. It seems there is just never enough time in the day for Kyle to go with me and all friends live too far away to decide spur of the moment. GRRR!!

Eating healthy is still going okay. I say okay because Kyle and I kind of cheated on Monday night. But it was waaayyyy worth it. Kyle has started softball again, so every Monday and Thursday night from here on out is booked. With a few sporadic times when we don't have games. Which means we are going to have to try a little harder to eat healthy. By the time the earlier game gets over it is already almost 7:30 and we are both extremely hungry. Usually by the time we get home it is almost 8 and it is getting late to eat. Therefore, we are often tempted to run out and get something quick, which equals unhealthy. (Like Culver's on Monday night. At least I had a BOGO coupon) We usually don't come home before the game because there just isn't time so we are either forced to eat really late or grab something. I am going to do everything I can to have us eat late, instead of grabbing something. This might be nights that I actually venture out into the crockpot world. I asked for a crockpot meal book for Christmas and haven't taken the time to use it yet.

I guess I just needed to talk it all through. Maybe the motivation isn't as buried as I thought it was. Tonight is going to be a rollerblading, walk and possibly run night. Thanks for letting me talk it out.

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I got my new job Brent and I have been eating out quite a week starts a new week though! No more quick and easy fast-food!
