Thursday, May 20, 2010

So Fresh and So Clean

It never ceases to amaze me the differences that the hubster and I discover about our upbringings. There were a few things right off of the bat that we realized and had to discuss and form our own way of doing things or our own belief system. But I guess I never thought about the little things that would come up out of the blue. When we visit the grocery store together some things surface, like the brands to buy, the types of cleaning supplies and the way things go in the cart. As I am sure you can imagine, mini tiffs have come from some of these topics. However, not big enough that I would give up our sporadic trips together. (For some reason we are not on a schedule for groceries and simply go when the cupboards are bare or we realize the milk is a week and a half old)

The latest discussion has been over the choices of cleaning supplies. I grew up as a Pledge and Swiffer girl. Mostly the Pledge, but the smell seems to give me a headache. The hubster grew up on Murphy's.... Murphy's Oil Soap that is. Oh the tragedy when I finished dusting the entire house and he walked in the door from work only to tell me it didn't even smell clean in our house and it doesn't ever seem clean to him unless he can walk in the door to the frangrance of Murphy's tickling his nose.

Being the stubborn person that I am I was determined to get him converted to Pledge and show him that it does clean. So through headaches and dust clouds I attempted to prove him wrong. Attempted is the key word.

Yesterday, I finally gave in. I had the entire day off and decided to spend it doing a semi-spring cleaning of the house, trim and all. I pulled out the scrub bucket and filled it with water from the tub and poured in some of the famous Murphy's. I'm not exactly sure it cleaned any better than the Pledge does, but it put a smile on my face as the hubster walked in the back door and immediately said, "It smells so good in here." I had to confirm what he was smelling since I was doing laundry, I had scrubbed the kitchen, washed dishes, cleaned the bathroom and of course Murphied (I created this word. :)) He confirmed the smell by telling me it smelled so clean and he loved the smell of the Murphy's.

Well, I am glad he is happy and I will admit it does smell pretty darn good in my house and it seems to sparkle. Maybe that is just to my own eyes because I feel accomplished, but none-the-less it looks B-E-A-utiful!

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