Friday, April 23, 2010

Roller Coaster Rides are not Always Fun

Life never seems to get dull. I guess it keeps things interesting, but sometimes I just wish I was on a merry go round instead. At least it would go at a constant speed, in the same direction, without ups and downs. (I'm sitting in the sleigh :) ) This past year has been pretty crazy and there have been many changes when it comes to friendships and life in general. It seems that no matter how hard I try there is this constant cycle that takes place. Just when I think things are getting better and everything is back to normal, a hill on the ride comes into view and the climb begins.

I think one of those climbs is starting again and I am hoping it is just a bunny hill (yes, I know I mixed skiing with roller coasters) I am hoping to find a way to change the outcome of this one and to intervene before the hill becomes too big.

I realize this post is filled with a ton of analogies and really no content, it was simply a way for me to vent a little and think it through.

This time I will get off the roller coaster ride before it starts going again. (I hope)

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