Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Honey DIY" List

Another semester is coming to an end. Three of my four classes are over and all assignments are finished for the rest of the semester. It feels great to breathe a breath of fresh air.

There are so many things that I am looking forward to getting done. Every week I make a "to do" list for myself and up to this point it has involved all homework assignments. Not this time, no, this time it's all about me, my husband and my house. The sad part is that many of these items have been on the list over Spring Break, Christmas Break and almost every weekend in between and none of them are crossed off. This time is GOING to be different, I think.

My motivation came yesterday in the form of a solicitor. As Kyle and I pulled into the driveway last night I watched as a lady went door to door with her daughter. My first thought was that she was selling something for a fundraiser and I am a sucker, so I was simply going to do the next best thing to buying candy, popcorn, and more junk..... RUN and HIDE!

Little did I know this woman and her "not-so-much fundraising" daughter would be the motivation that I needed. To my surprise she was not selling a single thing and I was able to wipe the word "Sucker" off my forehead. Instead she handed me a flyer that said

2010 Annual Neighborhood Garage Sales

Spring Date: Friday, June 11 and Saturday June 12
Fall Date: Friday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21

Time: 9-5

The top two things on my list are cleaning out my closet and cleaning out the basement. This sale is a lot sooner than I thought I would be. This is probably a huge blessing. However, I am in my gorgeous friend, Alex's wedding on the 12th. But my hubby already has it under control.

I cannot wait. A shout out to all friends and family: Bring your stuff if you wish just price it out first. :)

So the Honey DIY List is beginning. Let's see how far I get.

- Clean out Closet
- Clean out Den Closet
- Clean out Basement
- Organize old school notebooks
- Start and Finish Blanket project
- Exercise regularly
- Finish the book I started in December
- Start a regular cleaning and laundry schedule (and STICK to IT)
- Plant Flowers
- Purchase Wedding Gifts for all summer weddings

The list will probably go on, but this is good for now. Let's see how far I get.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that that list should be quality time with me! Quality means no kids. PS THIS IS NOT NATE!
