Monday, April 5, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

This weekend was filled with food, family and fun. And fun it was. Kyle and I were hosts this weekend to Kristi, Joe and Alex and great hosts, if I do say so myself. Thursday evening Kristi and Alex made there way here after visiting with G-pa N before his surgery. Before they came we set up Alex's Easter present in our living room as our surprise. However, this gift FILLED our living room. This is it (minus the posed children and the dog) Picture Alex in it instead.

The weekend continued and Good Friday was not only a great day due to the sacrifice of Christ, but this year something else great happened. G-pa N had a very risky surgery that lasted almost 4 hours and he came out fine. There were no complications other than things we were expecting. Praise God.

Overall, it was a great weekend, with lots of food, lots of family time and tons of fun.

Random other news from the weekend:

1. Alex and Richard had an awesome bridal shower and received lots of great gifts.
2. Kyle and I are super clumsy: the weekend ended with a broken coffee pot, a full bowl of salad dumped on the dining room carpet, a bag of sliced almonds scattered across the kitchen floor and a sliced finger due to a sharp knife in the sink.
3. Kyle is great at making a 16 lb. turkey complete with stuffing.
4. Brownies, vanilla pudding, crushed up oreos and cool whip make a great trifle bowl.
5. Having a baby in the house is kind of fun, but I still am not ready for my own.

I'm sure there will be another post soon, I have stayed away from this thing a little too long.

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