Thursday, March 10, 2011

She Did What She Could

She did what she could.
She was a girl.
God chose a girl to act.
God chose a girl to change the world.

She did what she could.
She acted.
She didn't just think about acting.
She didn't act out of obligation.
She didn't let others act for her.
She didn't wait to be invited.

She did what she could.
She acted out of what she had, not what she wished she had.
She did what she could, not all she could.

She did what she could.
She was a specific woman with a specific story who acted out of the particulars of her life.
She acted because she knew she was loved and wanted to love back.

She did what she could.
She acted with what she had.
She acted where she was.
She acted when it mattered.

As a result of her action... she was ridiculed.
As a result of her action... she was honored.
The relationship resulted in a response.

What if I did what I could?
I'm a girl.
What would it mean for me to act?
What if I could change the world?

What if I did what I could?
What if I acted?
What if I didn't just think about acting but actually acted?
What if I didn't act out of obligation?
What if I didn't let others act for me?
What if I didn't just wonder about what difference I could make but actually took a step?

What if I did what I could?
What if I quit focusing on what I don't have and considered instead what I do have?
What if I let go of the pressure to do everything I could and instead did the one thing I could do now?
What if I started right now, in this moment, in this season of life, to do what I could?

What if I did what I could?
What if I offered my story and my skills?
What if I didn't wait until I had it right or finished or perfect?
What if I believed God loved me so much that I wanted to love him back by doing what I could?

What if I did what I could?
What if I acted with what I have?
What if I acted right where I am?
What if I acted because it might matter?

What if I did what I could?
As a result of my action, someone would be helped.
As a result of my action, I would be better.
As a result of my action, the world would be better.
What if I had a relationship that resulted in a response?

What if we did what we could?
What could we all accomplish if all of us did what we could?
What could we do together that we couldn't do alone?
What if I did what I could and you did what you could and then we did what we could?

What if we did what we could?
How would we change?
How would we change our world?

This is taken from the book She Did What She Could by: Elisa Morgan. This book shares the story of Mary of Bethany and what she did for Jesus before his death. Many of us are familiar with this story, but have we really taken the time to think about what it really meant for Mary. Jesus was gathered with close friends at Simon's house just hours before his death. Mary was there listening to him speak. At a specific moment Mary rose from her seat and slowly approached him clutching a special gift. When Mary was standing in front of Jesus she displayed a very expensive jar of perfume. This specific jar was equivalent to the pay from a years work. In order to open the bottle the neck must be snapped off and could not be closed again. This resulting in any unused perfume to go to waste. Mary took the jar and broke the neck and then poured the contents over Jesus' head. Gasps from those around her broke the silence as many called out judgements over her. Some said she could have sold the jar and fed the hungry with the money. Jesus looked up and smiled at Mary, hushing the crowd and said, "She has done a beautiful thing. Yes, her gift was expensive, but the money that went for it would never pay from the food needed for all the hungry in the world. She meant this as an offering uniquely for me, to prepare me for what I am facing. She did what she could. And because she did what she could she will be remembered as long as I am remembered."

You see, Mary probably could have done much more with that bottle of perfume, but she acted in the moment and showed her true love for Christ. Too often we get caught up in the excuses of why we aren't "doing" and therefore never truly do for others. I challenge you to look for areas that you can do what you can. We must find the balance. It is important to not take on too much, for then we can only half heartedly do each "job", but if we focus on a few things we can do them to our best ability.

Be a women that others will say of you, "She Did What She Could and her relationship with Jesus was surely strengthened."

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Road is Never too Long Between Friends

I remember the first time that I saw this quote, it was stitched on this very ugly quilt that had a path and two old ladies with huge sun hats on, walking toward each other. I remember it so clearly to this day. Although the quilt was not the most visually appealing piece of fabric, the quote really stuck with me. At this time I was still in High School and had a very small group of good friends, but really felt like my whole class were friends. I lived in a very small town and didn't really see the world outside of that. It was a very carefree way of life and I remember thinking that these friends would be friends forever.

Then I went away to college and formed yet another group of friends. This group was very different. We had a different connection. Up until this point, I had friends that knew everything about me, simply because they grew up with me and grew up with the same beliefs and outlook on life as me. This new group was like a Glee mash-up (if you don't understand this reference I recommend you check this out and then make sure to catch Glee Tuesdays on Fox... so good). Many people from many backgrounds, walks of life, beliefs and childhoods in one group. I am still amazed at just how quickly these friendships formed and how close we all became. These friendships became a huge part of my life and yet began in a very different part and different way.

Then I moved out of college and some friendships strengthened, some were stretched, some were almost non-existent, some ended and some require a little TLC. Yet all of these friendships hold a special little place in my heart and have had some part of making me who I am today. As I reflect back on the past and the people that have had an impact on my life, I am so thankful and my eyes begin to well with tears. How many times have I taken certain people for granted, how many times have I simply neglected a friendship, how many times have I become too busy to make a phone call or simply send a text, how many times have I failed as a friend?

Looking back I can think of one, two or a handful of people from every area and age of my life that I still have some type of contact with and I am so thankful for.
If you are reading this and you are one of those people, thank you for caring, thank you for having a part in what makes me, me.

I leave you and myself with a mission.... contact those people in some form and catch up, tell them you care, thank them for being them or simply send some encouragement their way.

We'll meet in the middle of that old country road, we'll save a lot ground if we both give a little......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

Anyone that is close to me knows that I love pictures. I usually have my camera with me at all occassions and have numerous photo albums and frames about my house. I just love the concept of capturing a moment in time and freezing it there to think back on and re-visit for years and years to come. This is exactly why I LOVE Shutterfly. This website is my go to when it comes to personalized gifts and memory keepers. A calendar is hanging from my cupboard as we speak and each time I look at it I am quickly rushed back to a little over a year ago in the warmth of Mexico for our honeymoon.
I also love sending personalized greeting cards to friends and family for their Birthdays, Anniverseries and Just Because days. Recently, I have received many of these cards from a great friend who has made it her mission to encourage me throughout student teaching. Those encouraging notes are always better with a picture of the cutest Goddaughter on the front,smiling back at me.
Before I was married I waited for the day that I had a reason to send out Christmas cards. It was actually one of the first things I thought about once we returned from our honeymoon last August. I simply used a postcard format with a navy blue background. ( Of course our wedding color )It looked very similar to this one.
This years card might just have to be one of the following:

All of them are simply yet super cute. I love all of the options, but man does it make it super hard to make a decision. On top of finding the perfect card, it is also very hard finding the perfect picture to compliment the awesome card. (The best part is that it is so easy to upload your own photo)
I am also currently working on my wedding album on Shutterfly... however this is very time consuming and is not even close to being done. I am very particular and there are SO many options.
I will be using Shutterfly for my Christmas cards again this year and for every year after. I am simply in LOVE!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dynamic Backdrop

Today was a very long day. My students were walking barometers and the weather change was not nice to me. :) When I got home I felt completly exheausted and then I looked out the front window and witnessed a gorgeous sight. In the background the sky was very dark covered from the storm that went through today and in the foregroung was a gorgeous golden orange tree, with the sun shining just right and illuminating it. It is hard to explain the beauty of it, but it is gorgeous.

Today was an emotionally challenging day, but as the cutest little six year old came up to me with a huge smile on her face and simply sad, "you looked like you needed a hug," I realized that it was all okay. I love the simple way children think and the tenderness of their hearts that are not hardened by the world and the pain. I am coming to realize that that very reason is one of the best things about being a teacher. As a teacher you get to spend every minute of your day looking through the "eyes of a child."

Some day the same children that drive me crazy also keep me sane. For example; one of my little boys was having a very hard time listening today and we had many one on one talks. At the end of the day he ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and said, "I'm sorry about today, Mrs. Talicska. I'll try harder tomorrow." How in the world do you be mad after that.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Is anyone out there????

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you are simply talking to yourself? If you have kids or are a teacher (or have a husband :) ) you probably know what I mean. Today was one of those days for me. I know that it is Friday, but come on!!!!!
Needless to say, first grade was extremely talkative today. I was planning on staying after today and making sure that everything was ready to go for Monday, and then.... I looked around and realized I did not want to be in that room anymore today.
I came home and walked into my recently cleaned and fall smelling living room and simply sat there. Listening to only silence. I didn't even realize I was doing it until the annoying hoodlums rode by my window on their super-loud motorized scooter. Don't they know I want some peace and quiet!!
I am now officially halfway through first grade and feel more and more like a teacher every day. However, on days like today, I wonder if the students are even "getting it." That is if they can even hear me over their CHIT-CHAT!!!!! I am in desperate need of one of those "this is why I do what I do" moments.

I am happily welcoming the weekend and for now will put off Monday for a few days.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Is it bedtime yet?

Today was one of those never-ending days. It was the start of the second week of little kiddos and boy what a start. WHEW!!! I decided to tackle the phonics lessons starting today. We have a very scripted phonics curriculum and it takes a lot of sitting and listening on the studnets parts. Well, today was definitely not one of those days.

After my semi-successful carpet time I had the students move to their seats. Somewhere within the twelve steps back to their desks they morphed into monsters that did not have ears. Oh MY Word!!! I thought I was talking to walls and really wasn't sure what to do as I watched the clock tick away to lunch time.

I was feeling pretty down on myself all through lunch and into the beginning of the afternoon. I then took over the read a loud right before we transitioned into math and writing workshop. During this time the kiddos were angels. I was starting to feel much better about myself.

Then it came to math.....thankfully, I was not teaching this host teacher was and this is when I realized that it wasn't just me and my teaching, but instead the crazy kiddo's and the odd day that we were having. WHEW!!!!

Let's just say I was definitely ready for today to be over and have been vegging on the couch over since. Except of course, for when I needed chocolate so I made no bake cookies.

What a day!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Entering the Teacher World

Well, after a 2.5 month blog-leave, I am back!

A lot has changed around here and life is full of excitement again. Kyle started a new job. I am not the proud wife of a Kindergarten teacher. I am so incredibly happy for him. We spent hours cleaning out his room and getting ridding of the educational materials from 1960 that "had great educational value still." Not to mention the amounts of mouse terds we found in his room. G-R-O-S-S!!! However, it was worth it and his room looks awesome.

As for me, playing school a.k.a student teaching has started and I am loving it. I love my kiddos and actually enjoy having a purpose again every day. The host teacher that I am working with said this is going to be his most challenging year so far. We have a lot of little testers.

I thought I would share one of my favorite stories about a little boy in my class. This particular boy is very very short, has a very round face and has a very high pitched voice. He always uses the best manners, can always make me smile and laugh and has a very large vocabulary. Last night his parents brought him to the open house that we had at our school and I learned that he can to our school from a chistian school. As the parents were talking with the host teacher, he looked up at me and said, "Mrs. Talicska, we don't talk about God very much at this school, do we?" To which replied, "No, we don't." Without missing a beat he said, "But we still like Him a lot." Yes, we do....yes, we do. :) His mom also told us that on the first day of school he came home and said, "The only thing disturbing (yes, he is six) about this school is that they don't pray before snack." :) So, darn cute and innocent. It really made me stop and think.

Speaking of thinking, if you think of it please lift one of my students up in your prayers. She is 6 and is simply the nicest, sweetest little girl ever. We just found out that her dad has more than 80 tumors in his body and that Hospice has come in. His goal is to make it until Christmas. Please pray for a miracle. As you know, this would really shake this little girls life.

Oh, the joys of being around kiddos again. They can make you laugh, cry and blow smoke out of your ears all within seconds of each other. I am sure there will be many more stories to come.

Welcome to my adventures of student teaching.