Monday, September 13, 2010

Is it bedtime yet?

Today was one of those never-ending days. It was the start of the second week of little kiddos and boy what a start. WHEW!!! I decided to tackle the phonics lessons starting today. We have a very scripted phonics curriculum and it takes a lot of sitting and listening on the studnets parts. Well, today was definitely not one of those days.

After my semi-successful carpet time I had the students move to their seats. Somewhere within the twelve steps back to their desks they morphed into monsters that did not have ears. Oh MY Word!!! I thought I was talking to walls and really wasn't sure what to do as I watched the clock tick away to lunch time.

I was feeling pretty down on myself all through lunch and into the beginning of the afternoon. I then took over the read a loud right before we transitioned into math and writing workshop. During this time the kiddos were angels. I was starting to feel much better about myself.

Then it came to math.....thankfully, I was not teaching this host teacher was and this is when I realized that it wasn't just me and my teaching, but instead the crazy kiddo's and the odd day that we were having. WHEW!!!!

Let's just say I was definitely ready for today to be over and have been vegging on the couch over since. Except of course, for when I needed chocolate so I made no bake cookies.

What a day!!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure at least ONE of those cookies makes it until Friday for me! :) (I mean...for Alex.)
