Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dynamic Backdrop

Today was a very long day. My students were walking barometers and the weather change was not nice to me. :) When I got home I felt completly exheausted and then I looked out the front window and witnessed a gorgeous sight. In the background the sky was very dark covered from the storm that went through today and in the foregroung was a gorgeous golden orange tree, with the sun shining just right and illuminating it. It is hard to explain the beauty of it, but it is gorgeous.

Today was an emotionally challenging day, but as the cutest little six year old came up to me with a huge smile on her face and simply sad, "you looked like you needed a hug," I realized that it was all okay. I love the simple way children think and the tenderness of their hearts that are not hardened by the world and the pain. I am coming to realize that that very reason is one of the best things about being a teacher. As a teacher you get to spend every minute of your day looking through the "eyes of a child."

Some day the same children that drive me crazy also keep me sane. For example; one of my little boys was having a very hard time listening today and we had many one on one talks. At the end of the day he ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and said, "I'm sorry about today, Mrs. Talicska. I'll try harder tomorrow." How in the world do you be mad after that.

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