Monday, December 6, 2010

The Road is Never too Long Between Friends

I remember the first time that I saw this quote, it was stitched on this very ugly quilt that had a path and two old ladies with huge sun hats on, walking toward each other. I remember it so clearly to this day. Although the quilt was not the most visually appealing piece of fabric, the quote really stuck with me. At this time I was still in High School and had a very small group of good friends, but really felt like my whole class were friends. I lived in a very small town and didn't really see the world outside of that. It was a very carefree way of life and I remember thinking that these friends would be friends forever.

Then I went away to college and formed yet another group of friends. This group was very different. We had a different connection. Up until this point, I had friends that knew everything about me, simply because they grew up with me and grew up with the same beliefs and outlook on life as me. This new group was like a Glee mash-up (if you don't understand this reference I recommend you check this out and then make sure to catch Glee Tuesdays on Fox... so good). Many people from many backgrounds, walks of life, beliefs and childhoods in one group. I am still amazed at just how quickly these friendships formed and how close we all became. These friendships became a huge part of my life and yet began in a very different part and different way.

Then I moved out of college and some friendships strengthened, some were stretched, some were almost non-existent, some ended and some require a little TLC. Yet all of these friendships hold a special little place in my heart and have had some part of making me who I am today. As I reflect back on the past and the people that have had an impact on my life, I am so thankful and my eyes begin to well with tears. How many times have I taken certain people for granted, how many times have I simply neglected a friendship, how many times have I become too busy to make a phone call or simply send a text, how many times have I failed as a friend?

Looking back I can think of one, two or a handful of people from every area and age of my life that I still have some type of contact with and I am so thankful for.
If you are reading this and you are one of those people, thank you for caring, thank you for having a part in what makes me, me.

I leave you and myself with a mission.... contact those people in some form and catch up, tell them you care, thank them for being them or simply send some encouragement their way.

We'll meet in the middle of that old country road, we'll save a lot ground if we both give a little......

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