Friday, October 1, 2010

Is anyone out there????

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you are simply talking to yourself? If you have kids or are a teacher (or have a husband :) ) you probably know what I mean. Today was one of those days for me. I know that it is Friday, but come on!!!!!
Needless to say, first grade was extremely talkative today. I was planning on staying after today and making sure that everything was ready to go for Monday, and then.... I looked around and realized I did not want to be in that room anymore today.
I came home and walked into my recently cleaned and fall smelling living room and simply sat there. Listening to only silence. I didn't even realize I was doing it until the annoying hoodlums rode by my window on their super-loud motorized scooter. Don't they know I want some peace and quiet!!
I am now officially halfway through first grade and feel more and more like a teacher every day. However, on days like today, I wonder if the students are even "getting it." That is if they can even hear me over their CHIT-CHAT!!!!! I am in desperate need of one of those "this is why I do what I do" moments.

I am happily welcoming the weekend and for now will put off Monday for a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Sometimes you just need to sit and zone in the silence :) Ahhhh! And they TOTALLY hear you, and even better, SEE you, through their chit-chat :) Those are the moments I pray for sanity and know God is doing a good work even when I'm not sure if I am a sane, whole person! Love you!
