Monday, September 13, 2010

Is it bedtime yet?

Today was one of those never-ending days. It was the start of the second week of little kiddos and boy what a start. WHEW!!! I decided to tackle the phonics lessons starting today. We have a very scripted phonics curriculum and it takes a lot of sitting and listening on the studnets parts. Well, today was definitely not one of those days.

After my semi-successful carpet time I had the students move to their seats. Somewhere within the twelve steps back to their desks they morphed into monsters that did not have ears. Oh MY Word!!! I thought I was talking to walls and really wasn't sure what to do as I watched the clock tick away to lunch time.

I was feeling pretty down on myself all through lunch and into the beginning of the afternoon. I then took over the read a loud right before we transitioned into math and writing workshop. During this time the kiddos were angels. I was starting to feel much better about myself.

Then it came to math.....thankfully, I was not teaching this host teacher was and this is when I realized that it wasn't just me and my teaching, but instead the crazy kiddo's and the odd day that we were having. WHEW!!!!

Let's just say I was definitely ready for today to be over and have been vegging on the couch over since. Except of course, for when I needed chocolate so I made no bake cookies.

What a day!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Entering the Teacher World

Well, after a 2.5 month blog-leave, I am back!

A lot has changed around here and life is full of excitement again. Kyle started a new job. I am not the proud wife of a Kindergarten teacher. I am so incredibly happy for him. We spent hours cleaning out his room and getting ridding of the educational materials from 1960 that "had great educational value still." Not to mention the amounts of mouse terds we found in his room. G-R-O-S-S!!! However, it was worth it and his room looks awesome.

As for me, playing school a.k.a student teaching has started and I am loving it. I love my kiddos and actually enjoy having a purpose again every day. The host teacher that I am working with said this is going to be his most challenging year so far. We have a lot of little testers.

I thought I would share one of my favorite stories about a little boy in my class. This particular boy is very very short, has a very round face and has a very high pitched voice. He always uses the best manners, can always make me smile and laugh and has a very large vocabulary. Last night his parents brought him to the open house that we had at our school and I learned that he can to our school from a chistian school. As the parents were talking with the host teacher, he looked up at me and said, "Mrs. Talicska, we don't talk about God very much at this school, do we?" To which replied, "No, we don't." Without missing a beat he said, "But we still like Him a lot." Yes, we do....yes, we do. :) His mom also told us that on the first day of school he came home and said, "The only thing disturbing (yes, he is six) about this school is that they don't pray before snack." :) So, darn cute and innocent. It really made me stop and think.

Speaking of thinking, if you think of it please lift one of my students up in your prayers. She is 6 and is simply the nicest, sweetest little girl ever. We just found out that her dad has more than 80 tumors in his body and that Hospice has come in. His goal is to make it until Christmas. Please pray for a miracle. As you know, this would really shake this little girls life.

Oh, the joys of being around kiddos again. They can make you laugh, cry and blow smoke out of your ears all within seconds of each other. I am sure there will be many more stories to come.

Welcome to my adventures of student teaching.