Friday, June 25, 2010

Alive and Well

Yep, I'm still here. I know that I have taken a very long break from blogging, but I am BACK! My schedule got a little crazier and the job that I had that I sat at a computer all day went away for the last three weeks. Therefore my internet time was cut by 3/4 and blogging went out the window. But here I am...I've missed it. It is always kind of fun to type my thoughts out. Even if no one else even reads it.

I am headed to work shortly, but I thought I would share a funny story from work the other day. It had been a really slow day and I was becoming very bored. I looked at the clock and noticed I still had 2 hours to go. I had cleaned everything possible in the entire store and was starting to daze off when I heard a loud engine revving. Just when I heard it I looked toward the window anticiapting a motocycle to go speeding past the window... to my surprise a little old man in his amigo appeared and putzed across in front of the window followed by his wife in her matching beige button down sweater and amigo. HAHA
I laughed right out loud. Soon after the cute old couple passed by the window a motorcycle went zooming past with music blaring. I just smiled to myself.

The story is not extremely funny, but I was completely bored and at that moment that tickled my funny. :)

Well, I am off to work. We are having a big sale this weekend. Chamilia and Staxx buy 2 get 1 free.

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