Friday, June 25, 2010

Alive and Well

Yep, I'm still here. I know that I have taken a very long break from blogging, but I am BACK! My schedule got a little crazier and the job that I had that I sat at a computer all day went away for the last three weeks. Therefore my internet time was cut by 3/4 and blogging went out the window. But here I am...I've missed it. It is always kind of fun to type my thoughts out. Even if no one else even reads it.

I am headed to work shortly, but I thought I would share a funny story from work the other day. It had been a really slow day and I was becoming very bored. I looked at the clock and noticed I still had 2 hours to go. I had cleaned everything possible in the entire store and was starting to daze off when I heard a loud engine revving. Just when I heard it I looked toward the window anticiapting a motocycle to go speeding past the window... to my surprise a little old man in his amigo appeared and putzed across in front of the window followed by his wife in her matching beige button down sweater and amigo. HAHA
I laughed right out loud. Soon after the cute old couple passed by the window a motorcycle went zooming past with music blaring. I just smiled to myself.

The story is not extremely funny, but I was completely bored and at that moment that tickled my funny. :)

Well, I am off to work. We are having a big sale this weekend. Chamilia and Staxx buy 2 get 1 free.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Production at its Finest

This weekend was absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The hubster and I were super productive and we had tons of fun along the way as well. The weekend started on Friday night when we had a date night. Hubster parents were heading to CT to visit Kelli and David. They had Loons tickets for Friday night and asked if we would want to go in their place. Well, of course.... the hubster and I LOVE baseball! When I got home from work hubster took me out to dinner at Logan's and then we headed to the game. The best part was that there was firework's after the game. I absolutely LOVE fireworks. They seem so magical to me, I love the glow they cast on the faces of those gazing at them, the sound of the booms and pops and the graceful way they float through the night sky.

Saturday started with the hubster watering his parents flowers, getting my oil changed and then picking me up to go shop for flowers for our yard. We headed to Essexville and left with beautiful blooms. We then headed back for our planting adventures. Before the planting began hubster power washed the house. My hubby is absolutely amazing and dug each hole and placed each flower in the ground as I handed them to him in the order of color that I wanted and told him where they went. (It seems he is very particular about how to plant flowers.... which makes our yard look great) We had great teamwork and knocked it out in no time. I will add pictures shortly of the finished product. In all we planted light purple and white Alysum around our light post in the front yard, a planter for our front porch that include pink and white geraniums, ivy, impatiens and a spiky plant thing, a strip of flowers along the sidewalk and side of the house that include snapdraons in shades of pink, orange, yellow and white. Next we planted shades of pink and white impatiens by our fence and rose bushes and lastly we planted two plantes for by our back door and the back corner of our yard. These included pink and white geraniums, diamond frost, ivy, spiky things and pink impatients. The day was interrupted briefly when I locked us out of the house and had to climb through a window to get back in.
Such a fun and productive day.

Saturday evening we headed to Brent's house for a cookout and hanging out. Talk about a fun time filled with ladder golf, ladderball, redneck golf... whatever you call it and simply sitting around and talking with friends.

Sunday we had church and then hit up Pride and Country Village of Unique Shops on the way home. We had a gift certificate from our wedding and we had to use it by August. They had some of the cutest stuff. I have a hidden love for country decor and that is exactly what this was. I found some really cute stuff including a large red star for our door and a candle holder. It was a great sacrifice on the hubsters part, definitely not up his alley. :) Then we headed home to paint his Grandpa's shed. It was HOT, but we got it done. We just have to paint the roof. As we were painting the hubster said we needed to get it done at a certain time because we were going on a date that night. :) WHAT?!?! Sweet!
We headed home to shower and then jumped in the car headed for Frankenmuth. They were having the Dog Bowl festival and there was Hot air balloons there. They had a balloon glow and fireworks at night. It was so much fun. We had dinner at Tiffany's and it was so nice to not leave smelling like smoke... thank you Michigan Smokeless Law.

The fun continued on Monday as we headed home for a party with old friends. My youth pastor from high school moved to PA when I was a senior and he was coming back to visit. So we got the old group back together for a party. It was good to see some old faces again.

What a weekend!! It was a lot of fun, a lot of work and well worth it. Now I start the adventure's of Gems by Em and working every weekend! Oh well, I will just focus on the moola!

Pictures will be added to this post at a later time, but for now enjoy the mental pictures.