Sunday, March 21, 2010


Right at this very moment I am sitting in an empty lecture hall at SVSU simply waiting..... waiting for the bowling team to arrive. As I sit here, part of me is thinking about all of the homework I have yet to finish tonight, how much my stomach is begging for food and how all I really want to do is take some cold medicine and head to bed. But there is another part of me that is so absolutely thankful for this breather. :)

Today has been an extremely busy day, filled with project after project and paper after paper and this moment is simply wonderful. I can hear the buzzing of the projector, the clicking of the keys and nothing else. The lights are dim and this moment is simply peaceful. This was a moment that I needed and I did not even know it. Truly a moment to thank God for.

If you are wondering why I am on campus on a Sunday evening, sitting in a lecture hall all by myself and waiting for bowling team I will fill you in. I am a Peer Health Educator. My job position basically consists of presenting programs to SVSU students about different health topics including; sexual health, sexual assault, wellness and alcohol and other drugs. Every SVSU athletic team is required to go through a presentation on each of those four things. We do two a semester and their coaches sign them up for a sunday night that they are available. Tonight was my night to present. I love my job, most of the time. It has really given me a new outlook on life and a brand new passion for this field of work, who knows maybe teaching is my destiny, but maybe not preschoolers.

Well, here come my bowlers. I will leave you with a picture from one of my favorite events... I will explain it at a later date.

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